Kaunas Wind Orchestra “Ąžuolynas” (chief conductor Giedrius Vaznys) is one of the Kaunas city symbols. In 2021 the orchestra celebrates its 60 years of activity. The events and celebrations of temporary capital have been the fundamental purpose of the orchestra since its establishment in 1961. “Ąžuolynas” takes an essential role in all the major city celebrations, delegations and sports meetings. The majority of citizens remember the weekly Friday orchestral parade in Laisvės Alėja. The orchestra frequently invites listeners to the concert halls for solo programs. “Ąžuolynas” repertoire is full of operas, operettas and musicals. Concerts full of jazz, Estrada and most prominent soloists from Kaunas and Lithuania.
Kaunas Wind Orchestra “Ąžuolynas” is a regular participant in Lithuania and Kaunas song festivals, republican and international championships and festivals for wind orchestras. Additionally, “Ąžuolynas” represents Kaunas even abroad. The educational programs formed by the collective inspired many young people to take up an instrument and to enroll in music schools.
“Ąžuolynas” has fascinated listeners in various Lithuanian cities. The orchestra is well-known for its professionalism and agility. It is often invited to the events by organizers from all around Lithuania and abroad.
Since 1993 “Ąžuolynas” started performing abroad (Northern Ireland, Italy, Finland, France, Switzerland, and Poland). In 2019 the orchestra performed in Matera, the cultural capital of Italy.
In 1961 the orchestra as a representative orchestra at Vytautas Culture and Recreation Park, with Česlovas Šidlauskas as its first leader & conductor. In 1973 the orchestra was named “Ąžuolynas”.
In the following years, the orchestra was led by Jonas Lechavičius, Aloyzas Marcinkevičius, Marijonas Daunoravičius, Juozas Kučiauskas, Petras Tadaras, Vytautas Ramančiūnas ir Ričardas Kukulskis. Today, the chief conductor of “Ąžuolynas” is Giedrius Vaznys.
In 1979 with the initiative of the leader J. Kučiauskas, the girls’ choreographic group joined (at the time) only male wind orchestra. For many years the choreographic group was led by Stefanija Kazlauskienė. Today, the representatives of the group are Dainius Bervingis and Deimantė Ūsienė. The dancers prepare their original performances to complement the concerts as well as various festivals with “Ąžuolynas”.
Kaunas Wind Orchestra “Ąžuolynas” has been a part of the concert institution “Kaunas Santaka” since 2012.
Kauno bigbendo įrašyta kompozicija pateko į „Note Lithuania“ rinktinę
Naujoje džiazo rinktinėje „Note Lithuania“, kurią kasmet išleidžia Lietuvos muzikos informacijos centras (LMIC) tarp trylikos atrinktų grupių ir kūrinių pateko ir Kauno bigbendo įrašyta kompozicija „Miške“, (aranžuotės autorius Jievaras Jasinskis),
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44 – jį kartą Tarptautinės Hanzos dienos Gdanske tapo platforma lyderiams, verslininkams, mokslininkams, kūrėjams, scenos meistrams ir novatoriams, norintiems formuoti rytojaus pasaulį. Miestas, nuėjęs ilgą kelią nuo Hanzos uosto iki
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Viskas turi pradžią ir pabaigą. Bet jei kalbame apie gerus dalykus su vaikais, jie pasakytų kitaip – „geri dalykai neturi pabaigos, nes juos reikia tęsti“. Tokiai minčiai pritaria ir didelis